Privacy Policy

Rúmina, OnFarm, Ideagri, RúmiCash, RúmiTank, RúminaInsights, RúmiScore

Last updated on August 30, 2023

Hello, this is the Privacy Policy of the Rúmina Platform. It describes all the rights and duties you have regarding the use, collection and protection of the data you provide through your registration on the Platform. Remember to read this document carefully before using the Platform and, as we add new features frequently, this Privacy Policy will be updated periodically, so it is essential that you also read its new versions, which will replace this version as soon as they become available.  By clicking “I accept”, accessing or browsing our platform you agree to this privacy policy.

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy” or “Policy”) regulates the processing and collection of data, personal or otherwise, shared by you, the user (“User”), for the performance of the services described in the Terms of Use, which are made available on our Rúmina Platform through the Rúmina website (, RÚMINA S.A., a privately-held corporation, registered with the CNPJ/MF under No. 38.135.795/0001-18, duly registered with the Board of Trade of the State of Minas Gerais under NIRE 31.300.133.842, headquartered in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, at Rua Santa Fé, nº 100, conjunto 302, bairro Sion, CEP 30320-130 (“Contractor”), which, together with the Users ” Contracting Parties and Partners”, are referred to as the “Parties”. References in these Terms of Use to the “Rúmina Platform” or “Platform” refer to all access channels currently or in the future made available by Rúmina, or third-party environments in which Rúmina offers products. By consenting to the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, “Contracting Parties and Partners” Users agree to the collection, processing, storage and sharing of their information under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

For your convenience, the date included at the top of this page is the date of the last update to this Policy. We recommend that every time you access the Rúmina Platform, you keep an eye out for new updates, as your access to and use of the Rúmina Platform will be bound by any changes to this Policy.

Every time the terms “Rúmina”, “we”, or “our” are mentioned, we are referring to Rúmina, OnFarm, Ideagri, RúmiCash, RúmiTank, RúminaInsights, RúmiScore; and every time the terms “you”, “user”, “your”, are mentioned, we are referring to you, the User.


  1. What do the concepts used in this Policy mean?

The General Data Protection Regulation – “GDPR” (in Portuguese, and from now on used as: “LGPD” – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados ) contains several specific concepts that are important for understanding this Privacy Policy.

The following terms, in the singular or plural, shall have the following meanings when used in this Consent Form:

  • Personal Data: information relating to an identified or identifiable private individual or legal entity.
  • Rural Producer Data: means (a) any information that identifies or can identify a natural person, such as personal contact information, RG, CPF (Brazilian’s ID and Social Security numbers) and address and (b) any information that identifies or can identify a legal entity, such as CNPJ (Brazilian National Register of Legal Entity number), social contract/bylaws, address. Also included in the definition of “Rural Producer Data” is banking information (financial institution, branch and current account), information relating to financial and economic operations, demographic information, technical and zootechnical information of diseases and diagnoses, results of disease treatments and protocols used, and reproductive data.
  • Data: Personal Data and/or Rural Producer Data.
  • Holder: refers to the private individual or legal entity to whom the Personal Data and Rural Producer Data that are processed refer, i.e. the private individuals or legal entities  with whom we interact or from whom we process or receive Personal Data and Rural Producer Data.
  • Processing: means any operation carried out with Personal Data and Rural Producer Data, such as those relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.
  • Controller: the private individual or legal entity, whether governed by public or private law, which is responsible for decisions relating to the Processing of Personal Data. For the purposes of this Policy, Rúmina will be considered the Controller of the Data Holders’ Personal Data.
  • Operator: is the private individual or legal entity, whether governed by public or private law, which carries out the Processing of Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.


  1. What data do we process?

Regardless of the activity we carry out, it is important to emphasize that we only collect Personal Data and Rural Producer Data that is necessary or relevant for conducting our activities and we only use this data for the purposes for which it was collected.

  • Contact and business relationship data: In the event that a potential client chooses to learn about our products and solutions and/or establish a business relationship with us, we will request the necessary data to establish contact with that potential client and, subsequently, to sign a contract, which may include, among other information that may be necessary: full name of the person(s) responsible for the company; nationality; profession; identity documents (RG, CPF, etc.); telephone number; e-mail address; name and/or corporate name of the organization to which they belong; and position held.
  • Supplier and service provider data: In cases where Rúmina contracts suppliers and/or service providers, we will request the necessary data to establish a commercial relationship in this regard, which may include, among other information that may be required: full name; identity documents (RG, CPF, etc.); profession; and bank details.

In the case of suppliers and/or service providers belonging to outsourced companies, in addition to some of the information mentioned above, we may request additional Personal Data directly from the respective employer, such as: photo, date of admission to the company and position held.

  • Website access data: When you browse our website, we may collect data such as the browser and device accessing the website; Internet protocol (IP) address; logs (date and time of access); the user’s main actions and interactions on the website; connection provider; interactions between Rúmina and the visitor; and other data collected automatically.

It is important to note that the vast majority of data collected through our website does not in itself make it possible to identify a private individual or legal entity.

  • Cookies: Information about the use of the website may be collected through cookies. Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the computer and/or device you are using. Cookies allow the collection of information such as browser type, time spent on our website, pages visited, language preferences, and other anonymous traffic data. This information is used for the operation of the website, security protection and to facilitate navigation. We also collect statistical information about the use of the website for continuous improvement and traffic management. If you do not wish your information to be collected through cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers and devices that allows non-essential cookies not to be collected in your browser settings.
  • Data related to marketing: In cases where we send communications about new products, events and/or activities of Rúmina, we collect the following information: full name; e-mail; name of the organization to which you belong; city; state; and position or expertise.
  • Recruitment and selection data: If you are interested in working with us, we will ask you for the necessary data so that you can take part in our selection processes and, if you are successful, to sign an employment contract, which may include, among other information required by law, your full name; parentage; place of birth; date of birth; identity documents (RG, CPF, etc.); address; telephone number; academic record; previous work experience; e-mail address; among other information pertinent to the relationship between candidate and recruiter or, if applicable, employee and employer.
  • Video surveillance: Our facilities have security cameras to ensure the safety of all those who pass through Rúmina’s premises. So, whenever you access our facilities, we can capture your images.
  • General Data: information that allows the identification of the private individual or legal entity User, such as full name, RG,CPF, CNH (driver’s license number), date of birth, place of birth, profession, mother’s name, full residential address, CNPJ, full head office address, name of legal representative and their RG, CPF, e-mail address, landline telephone number, mobile telephone number, main economic activity, in addition to those required by specific legislation.
  • Operational Data: information relating to the economic activities carried out by the User with Dairies and other agents in the livestock sector, relating to raw materials and any outstanding financial balances originating from the economic activities carried out.
  • Financial Data and Banking Data: banking data, including the full name of the account holder, bank account number, bank branch, savings account information, monthly income statement, as well as other relevant information that may be necessary to properly identify the User.
  • **Social Media Data:** data collected in cases where the User chooses to register and access the Rúmina Platform through any social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, among others. By using such media to access the Rúmina Platform, the User authorizes us to collect, store and use their data and the content available on such social networks.
  • Location Data: data that the Rúmina Platform may receive about the location of the Users’ device at the time of access, including but not limited to the operating system and type of browser used.
  • Copies of Documents: copies of documents that Rúmina may collect to analyze the User’s registration and situation, such as RG, CPF, CNH or passport (where applicable), photograph (which may include selfies or video-selfies), CNPJ, social contract/bylaws, RG and CPF of the legal representative and tax documents relating to the economic activities carried out by the User with the Dairy.

Rúmina may collect the Information as part of the identification and security analysis procedure.


  1. For what purposes do we process Personal Data and Rural Producer Data (“Data”)?

Rúmina processes data in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, including placing each processing operation on the appropriate legal basis, in accordance with the LGPD.

The Data may be used by Rúmina for:

  1. Comply with the contractual, legal and regulatory obligations to fulfill the purpose of the contract between the Holder and Rúmina;
  2. Promoting, developing and improving solutions for the livestock sector;
  3. Offering products and services that are in the interest of the Holder to optimize activities in the livestock segment, and
  4. To carry out research to develop new products for the livestock sector.

In addition to the above purposes, we process the Data for the following purposes, without prejudice to others that may be necessary for the conduct of our activities:

  • Contact and business relationship data: To serve our clients and potential clients; to comply with our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations; regularly exercise our rights in any administrative, judicial and/or arbitration proceedings; and improve our products and service.
  • Data from suppliers and service providers: Comply with our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations; regularly exercise our rights in any administrative, judicial and/or arbitration proceedings; and allow access to Rúmina’s facilities.
  • Website access data: To enable visitors to access and navigate our website; to perform analysis on visits to the website; to operate, protect and improve the experience of visitors to our website; and to comply with our legal and/or regulatory obligations.
  • Data related to marketing: To send communications about institutional materials, new products and/or events of Rúmina; and to exercise our legitimate interests, in accordance with the limits provided by law.

In the case of communications sent by Rúmina for marketing purposes, we would like to point out that if you no longer wish to receive them, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time by clicking on a link available in the e-mail itself and/or by sending an e-mail to requesting that you unsubscribe.

  • Recruitment and selection data: Carrying out job interviews; selecting new employees; complying with our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations; regularly exercising our rights in any administrative, judicial and/or arbitration proceedings; and carrying out administrative activities related to the employment relationship, including improvements related to human resources.
  • Video surveillance: Identifying, preventing and managing possible security risks; preventing fraud; and implementing security measures.


  1. How long will Data stay with Rúmina?

We only store the information collected for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes described above. When it is no longer necessary to keep it, we will delete it from our databases or anonymize it so that it is no longer possible to identify you.

We also remind you that, even in the event of a request to delete your data, we may keep some information with us, under the terms of the applicable legislation. In this case, you will be informed.


  1. How does Rúmina protect and secure Data?

We use information security systems in all our systems and devices, which includes the adoption of technical and administrative measures to protect your Data, such as ERP, access controls, firewalls, records of account creation and access, definition of access levels, among others. Internally, your Data is only accessed by professionals duly authorized and trained by Rúmina, who are committed to confidentiality.

It is important to remember that we only apply these layers of security from the moment your information is received by Rúmina and for as long as it is kept with us. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security of the electronic device or networks you are using to access our environment and/or send us information. It is, therefore, very important that you protect yourself against unauthorized access to your devices, accounts or passwords when you are in our environments. In addition, please be aware that we will never send requests for data or attachments that can be executed or downloaded (extensions: .exe, .com, among others) by email (be aware of phishing scams that exist on the market). Our emails are sent with domains ending in

Although we use our best efforts to protect the Data we have access to, we know that incidents can happen, precisely because no security system is foolproof. Thus, should any of your Data be exposed in any way, we will take the necessary actions to mitigate risks, including communicating to you and the relevant authorities whenever necessary.


  1. Is any Data collected, processed or shared by third parties?

Rúmina is committed to ensuring data protection. Therefore, we will not share your Data with third parties, except in cases where this is necessary for us to achieve the purposes set out in this Policy (see Item 3).

It is important to emphasize that we only share Data with companies that demonstrate the same degree of care and commitment to data protection as we do, as well as by setting appropriate contractual obligations and collecting evidence of compliance from our suppliers.

Situations involving the sharing of Data may include: our strategic partners, such as marketing companies, service providers and suppliers who support us in our activities; and companies from the same economic group (listed below), for strategic decision-making within the corporation.

  1. Rumina Tecnologias Para Pecuária S.A. (Rumina Technologies for Livestock S.A.)

CNPJ/MF No. 38.135.795/0001-18

  1. IDEAGRI – Inovação e Desenvolvimento no Agribusiness Ltda. (IDEAGRI – Innovation and Development in Agribusiness Ltda.)

CNPJ/MF No. 10.511.875/0001-01;

  1. Rumicash Soluções Financeiras para Pecuária Ltda. (Rumicash Financial Solutions for Livestock Ltda.)

CNPJ/MF No. 43.038.558.0001-79;

  1. On Farm Tecnologia, Locação e Suporte de Máquinas e Equipamentos Ltda. (On Farm Technology, Rental and Support of Machinery and Equipment Ltda.)

CNPJ/MF No. 31.406.714/0001-28;

  1. Volutech Tecnologia de Precisão na Pecuária Leiteira ltda.(Volutech Technology for Precision Dairy Farming Ltda).

CNPJ/MF No. 36.948.345/0001-19.

Other situations involving data sharing:

  1. Credit analysis and debt collection agents;
  2. Third-party companies that use the data to study and improve solutions for the livestock sector;
  3. Third party companies and/or universities that use the Data for technical and scientific research purposes and
  4. Third party companies with which Rúmina or companies in the same economic group as Rúmina have a commercial and/or operational agreement, provided that they are related to the purposes of the processing mentioned below.

With regard to external links that may exist on our website, as they are not owned by Rúmina, we have no control over the content and practices of these sites and cannot take any responsibility for their respective Privacy Policies. We will not send your data to these third parties – clicking on other sites and/or providing data to Third Parties is your choice.

  1. What are the rights of Data Holders?

As holders of their own Data, the private individuals or legal entities with whom we interact have various rights provided for by law, which can be exercised at any time and upon direct request to the Data Controller.

If you wish, you can exercise your rights in relation to the Data controlled by Rúmina by sending an e-mail to:

Your rights under the LGPD include: (i) confirmation of the existence of Processing; (ii) access to Data; (iii) correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated Data; (iv) anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive Data or Data processed in breach of the LGPD; (v) portability of Data to another service or product provider, respecting Rúmina’s commercial and industrial secrets; (vi) deletion of Data processed with consent, where applicable; (vii) information on entities with which Rúmina has shared your Data; (viii) information on the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of such refusal; (ix) withdraw of any consent provided; and (x) opposition to Processing carried out on the basis of one of the hypotheses for waiving consent, in the event of non-compliance with the LGPD.

We would remind you that the rights of Holders are not absolute, but Rúmina is committed to complying with them whenever possible. In addition, we may ask you to confirm your identity in order to fulfill a request, precisely to avoid sharing your Personal Data with anyone other than you and/or your legal representative.

  1. Responsibilities of Rúmina and other agents who may process data.

As mentioned above, Rúmina carries out all Data Processing in accordance with the LGPD and other regulations relating to Data Protection. In addition, Rúmina will only authorize third parties to process your Data by establishing the appropriate contractual obligations, as well as by demonstrating the same degree of care and commitment to data protection as Rúmina itself.

In any case, if we are unable to solve your questions or if you consider that the Data protection rules are being and/or have been violated, you have the right to contact the competent Brazilian governmental authorities, mainly the National Data Protection Authority, or to go to court.

  1. Updates to this Policy

We may update this Policy to make it even clearer and to comply with new data protection regulations. For this reason, it is very important to access it periodically. To make it easier, we have indicated the date of the last update below. If we make any relevant changes to this Policy or our data protection practices, we will let you know.

  1. Conclusion

This Policy shall be ruled and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, mainly the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Rúmina is committed to this issue and is available to solve any question related to Data protection. If you have any further questions about this Policy or any requests relating to your Data, simply contact Rúmina via e-mail at or any other mechanisms indicated on the Rúmina Platform.

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