Simplify and automate pre-milking. Ensure a fast and consistent process with increased efficiency and milk quality.

Standardization and consistency in milking preparation routines, along with greater labor efficiency.
Reduction of mastitis incidence and improved milk quality.
Improved well-being for both animals and milkers.
Subscription service including pre-dipping, consumables, maintenance, and technical assistance.
Partnership with the U.S. company FutureCow, with technology used in over 55 countries and approved by more than 2 million cows milked daily through the system.
Standardization and consistency in milking preparation routines, along with greater labor efficiency.
Reduction of mastitis incidence and improved milk quality.
Improved well-being for both animals and milkers.
Subscription service including pre-dipping, consumables, maintenance, and technical assistance.
Partnership with the U.S. company FutureCow, with technology used in over 55 countries and approved by more than 2 million cows milked daily through the system.
Simplify and automate pre-milking consistently, with gains in operational efficiency.
Facing inconsistencies in pre-milking, problems like mastitis, and variations in milk quality? Discover how RúmiFlow can simplify and automate your routine, increasing consistency, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing milk quality while reducing costs.
Automated brushes
Powerful and exclusive pre-dipping
Control and operation unit
Teat cleaning efficiency
Specialized Brazilian support
Rúmina+ Program
Equipment with automatic brush activation, disinfection, and LED lighting to ensure a precise and consistent process.
Chlorine dioxide, a powerful pre-dipping solution, with rapid action, no residue, and teat health enhancement.
Real-time preparation of chlorine dioxide through a high-tech automated unit.
A set of three brushes guarantees cleaning of the sides and tip of the teat, as well as its stimulation and drying.
Customer support via WhatsApp, email, and phone with a team of innovative livestock specialists.
Receive automatic exclusive support in the Rúmina+ community: personalized assistance from our Innovative Livestock Specialists and dedicated access to a “Customer Success Manager” (CSM) to ensure your business’s success.
Automated brushes
Equipment with automatic brush activation, disinfection, and LED lighting to ensure a precise and consistent process.
Powerful and exclusive pre-dipping
Chlorine dioxide, a powerful pre-dipping solution, with rapid action, no residue, and teat health enhancement.
Control and operation unit
Real-time preparation of chlorine dioxide through a high-tech automated unit.
Teat cleaning efficiency
A set of three brushes guarantees cleaning of the sides and tip of the teat, as well as its stimulation and drying.
Specialized Brazilian support
Customer support via WhatsApp, email, and phone with a team of innovative livestock specialists.
Rúmina+ Program
Receive automatic exclusive support in the Rúmina+ community: personalized assistance from our Innovative Livestock Specialists and dedicated access to a “Customer Success Manager” (CSM) to ensure your business’s success.
RúmiFlow: disinfected and stimulated teats with just one click.
Advantages and Functionalities
Automation, speed, and consistency in the pre-milking process.
Labor efficiency: Enabling operations with fewer milkers and greater productivity thanks to its features.
Meticulous cleaning: Especially at the teat tips, reducing clinical mastitis incidence and improving SCC.
Producers who recommend
“RúmiFlow indeed ensures that the udders are cleaner, drier, and disinfected before attaching the milking machines. Perhaps one of the most important aspects for me is that it allows us to consider different profiles of employees for milking. With RúmiFlow, we achieve much more efficient and standardized cleaning of the udder, both the body and the teat end. After implementing RúmiFlow, we noticed improvements in labor efficiency. Milking is faster, more consistent, and provides better welfare for the cows, which positively impacts milk flow.”
Eduardo Pinheiro
Owner and Technician - Fazenda Rio Doce
“Firstly, I would like to highlight the tremendous attention from the RúmiFlow technicians, who, through training, assist us in using the tools correctly, among other actions. We added RúmiFlow to the farm primarily due to difficulties in finding employees for the role, and the tool has been a significant facilitator in this regard, saving processes that would otherwise need to be performed by staff. What I can affirm so far is that our employees are happier, and our pre-milking management is more standardized and efficient.”
Rosa de Lurdes Borges de Souza
Milk Production Facilitator - Rasip
“After we introduced RúmiFlow at Canto Porto, we noticed a tremendous difference in the standardization of pre-milking, an important action to prevent various issues in milk production. Understanding the product’s benefits, we chose RúmiFlow to improve milk quality, reduce cases of mastitis, enhance labor efficiency, and promote animal welfare. I believe we will see significant improvements in all these areas, especially in milk flow. I intend to share the results with you soon.”
Antônio Carlos
Owner - Canto Porto
Mogi Mirim/SP
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RúmiFlow is a complete and innovative solution for pre-milking, combining cutting-edge technology, modern equipment, and an optimized process to ensure clean, stimulated, and healthier teats.
The system uses automated brushes, precise dosing of disinfectant (chlorine dioxide), and drying to ensure that teats are clean, disinfected, dry, and stimulated with less manual effort, contributing to animal health and milk quality.
RúmiFlow is recommended for farms with over 300 lactating cows that seek to optimize pre-milking, increase milk quality, reduce mastitis incidence, and improve labor efficiency.
RúmiFlow helps overcome challenges such as maintaining consistency in pre-milking, reducing mastitis incidence, improving milk quality, optimizing labor, and increasing productivity.
RúmiFlow aims to transform pre-milking through automation, providing a complete solution that benefits the entire dairy chain. For producers, it enables better milk quality, cost reduction, increased productivity, and profitability. For animals, it ensures better welfare, reduced stress, and increased milk production. For the industry, it provides better milk quality, greater food safety, and sustainability in dairy production.
The experience with RúmiFlow is simple, intuitive, and transformative.
The main benefits of RúmiFlow include reduced mastitis, improved milk quality, standardized and consistent pre-milking, enhanced animal welfare, labor efficiency, subscription service, and access to cutting-edge technology.
RúmiFlow offers several advantages over traditional pre-milking, such as automation, speed, labor efficiency, meticulous cleaning, easy maintenance, and technical support.
With a RúmiFlow subscription, you will receive the equipment, replacement parts, chlorine dioxide, all necessary maintenance information, and direct contact with the technical team for any eventualities.