Lactating Cows Rate (% of total)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Average number of lactating cows.
b = Average total number of cows (dry and lactating), composed of the results evaluated at 4 points within the month.
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
Average Production (Kg/Cow/Day)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Sum of milk production from all tests conducted during the period.
b = Number of tests conducted during the period.
RúmiScore Calculation:
Average of the production indicator / average of the months considered
305d Production - 1st Lactation (Kg)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Sum of the production from lactations completed in the month for animals with a lactation order equal to 2.
b = Number of lactations considered in item a.
Cows with lactations lasting less than 305 days will have their total production adjusted to 305 days. Cows that were dried off due to sale/death of the animal will be excluded.
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
305d Production - 2nd Lactation (Kg)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Sum of the production from lactations completed in the month for animals with a lactation order equal to 1.
b = Number of lactations considered in item a.
Cows with lactations lasting less than 305 days will have their total production adjusted to 305 days. Cows that were dried off due to sale/death of the animal will be excluded.
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
305d Production - 3rd Lactation (Kg)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Sum of the production from lactations completed in the month for animals with a lactation order equal to 3.
b = Number of lactations considered in item a.
Cows with lactations lasting less than 305 days will have their total production adjusted to 305 days. Cows that were dried off due to sale/death of the animal will be excluded.
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months.
Average Days in Lactation (DEL) (Days)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Average of the “Average DEL” evaluated at 4 points within each month.
RúmiScore Calculation:
Average of the considered months’ Average DEL.
Cow Mortality Rate (%)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Total culls due to cow deaths
b = Average total number of cows (dry and lactating), composed of the results evaluated at 4 points within the month.
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Total culls due to cow deaths
b = Average total number of cows (dry and lactating), composed of the results evaluated at 4 points within the month.
Survival Rate up to 12 Months of Age (%)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Count of live animals that reached 365 days of age in the evaluated month
b = Count of all animals that reached 365 days of age in the evaluated month
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
Average Age at First Service
Monthly Calculation:
a = Sum of the ages of animals without calvings that had their first service recorded in the evaluated month
b = Count of animals without calvings that had their first service recorded in the evaluated month
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
Average Age at First Calving
Monthly Calculation:
a = Sum of the ages of lactating animals that had their first calving recorded in the evaluated month
b = Count of lactating animals that had their first calving recorded in the evaluated month
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
Heifer Conception Rate
Monthly Calculation:
a = Count of attempts (inseminations and embryo transfers – matings are not considered) in the evaluated month, confirmed, for animals with no registered calving
b = Count of attempts (inseminations and embryo transfers – matings are not considered) in the evaluated month, both confirmed and failed, for animals with no registered calving
RúmiScore Calculation:
a = Sum of “a” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
b = Sum of “b” from the previous calculation over the last 15 months, excluding the last 3 months
Cow Pregnancy Rate (%)
Monthly Calculation:
a = Conception Rate
b = Service Rate
Total positive attempts: Count of confirmed attempts
Total eligible: Cows eligible on the first day + Bred cows eligible (with negative pregnancy diagnosis and no pregnancy diagnosis) + Cows removed from the corrected voluntary waiting period (PEV)
Note: This calculation is performed twice in the month, first considering the first 21 days and then considering the last 21 days, to later calculate an average if neither of the two calculations is zero.
RúmiScore Calculation:
Average of the cow pregnancy rate indicator for the considered months.
Methane Intensity
Monthly Calculation:
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RúmiScore Calculation:
Average of the methane intensity indicator for the considered months